최유미 (Yumi Choi) 사진
최유미 (Yumi Choi)

Title : Alumni
Name : Yumi Choi (최유미)
E-mail : yumi_choi@pusan.ac.kr


2013 - M. S., Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 
2011 - B. S., Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 


[Research Interests]

Climate change and tropical cyclone activity  
Tropical cyclone formation and evolution 
Tropical cyclone motion



2. Choi, Y., K.-S. Yun, K.-J. Ha, K.-Y. Kim, S.-J. Yoon, and J. C. L. Chan, 2013 : Effects of Asymmetric SST Distribution on Straight-moving Typhoon Ewiniar (2006) and Recurving Typhoon Maemi (2003). Mon. Wea. Rev. 141(11), 3950 ? 3967. (SCI)
1. Yun, K.-S., K.-Y. Heo, J.-E. Chu, K.-J. Ha, E.-J. Lee, Y. Choi, and A. Kitoh, 2012 : Changes in Climate Classification and Extreme Climate Indices from a High-Resolution Future Projection. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 48(3), 213-226. (SCIE)



2013년도 글로벌박사펠로우쉽 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 선정
과제명: "북서태평양 지역에서 태풍발생과 발달에 미치는 환경인자의 역할에 관한 연구"


[International Conference]
2014. 02. 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM)
Confirmatory Changes in Typhoon over the western North Pacific 


2013. 07. 12th East Asian Climate (EAC) Workshop
Interdecadal Changes in Typhoon Frequency and Genesis Location over the western North Pacific


2013. 04. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013
Interdecadal Change of Typhoon Occurrence and Genesis Location over the western North Pacific


2012. 08. AOGS-AGU(WPGM) Joint Assembly
Effects of Asymmetric SST Distribution on Straight-moving Typhoon Ewiniar (2006) and Recurving Typhoon Maemi (2003)